Translation of "Viselnie" in English

0.056 sec.

Examples of using "Viselnie" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ne kockáztasson! Önnek népes családja van, melynek gondját kell viselnie.

You have a large family to support; don't play for high stakes.

Aki pillangókat akar látni, annak el kell viselnie a hernyókat is.

If you want to see butterflies, you have to accept caterpillars.

- Ha ez még sokáig folytatódik, képtelen leszek elviselni - mondta. De továbbra is ez ment, és el kellett viselnie anélkül, hogy bármit is tehetett volna ellene.

"If this lasts much longer," she said, "I shall not be able to bear it." But it did last, and she had to bear it, without being able to help herself.