Translation of "Stormen" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Stormen" in a sentence and their english translations:

Dus toen die stormen binnenkwamen...

So when those huge storms used to come in,

We hebben deze winter veel stormen gehad.

We've had a lot of storms this winter.

Deze zomer zagen we de verwoestende gevolgen van stormen

This summer, we saw the devastating impacts of storms

De damp die zich overdag opbouwt... ...veroorzaakt stormen die 's nachts doorgaan.

The vapor that builds through the day creates storms that continue into the night.

Een graf blijft altijd de beste bescherming tegen de stormen van het lot.

- A grave will always offer the best protection from the storms of fate.
- A grave will always offer the best protection from the storms of destiny.