Translation of "Priori" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Priori" in a sentence and their english translations:

Je ne pouvais pas le croire a priori.

I wasn't able to believe him at first.

Et que la situation a l'air absurde a priori,

or because the situation seems absurd at first glance

Il n'ira jamais nulle part avec ses a priori.

He will never get anywhere with that prejudiced idea.

A priori, quand on se blesse on va se faire soigner,

usually when we get hurt, we seek treatment

En ce qui me concerne, j'aurais des a priori sur ses pensées,

I know for me, I'm already stereotyping what you think of me,

Mais son application a été accélérée, a priori sous l'effet de pressions américaines.

was rushed into implementation apparently in response to American pressure.

Mais la raison qui explique ce phénomène n'est pas celle qu'on croit à priori,

But the reason that this is the case is not what we might think,

- Je ne pouvais pas le croire a priori.
- Au départ, je n'arrivais pas à croire ses paroles.

I wasn't able to believe him at first.