Translation of "Bands" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Bands" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Both are great bands.

Ambos são grandes bandas.

He only listens to rock bands from the fifties.

Ele só ouve bandas de rock dos anos cinquenta.

Now, stealing forward, on the town they fall, / buried in wine and sleep, the guards o'erbear, / and ope the gates; their comrades at the call / pour in and, joining bands, all muster by the wall.

Invadem a cidade mergulhada / na embriaguez e no sono; as sentinelas / são massacradas e, uma vez abertos / os portões, os demais guerreiros entram, / conforme o combinado se agrupando.

His bow rested upon the strong, and the bands of his arms and his hands were loosed, by the hands of the mighty one of Jacob: thence he came forth a pastor, the stone of Israel.

Seu arco, porém, permaneceu firme, seus braços fortes, ágeis para atirar, pela mão do Poderoso de Jacó, pelo nome do Pastor, a Rocha de Israel.

Lo, Panthus, flying from the Grecian bands, / Panthus, the son of Othrys, Phoebus' seer, / bearing the sacred vessels in his hands, / and vanquished home-gods, to the door draws near, / his grandchild clinging to his side in fear.

Eis porém que, escapando aos dardos gregos, / Panto, filho de Otreu, sacerdote do templo / de Apolo em nossa cidadela, vem correndo, / quase fora de si, à minha estância, / arrastando um netinho pela mão / e trazendo os objetos consagrados / do culto de seus deuses derrotados.