Translation of "Defende" in English

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Examples of using "Defende" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ninguém defende o meu país.

- Nobody defends my country.
- No one is defending my country.

A marinha defende nossa costa.

The navy defends our seacoast.

- Defenda-se.
- Defende-te.
- Protege-te!

- Defend yourselves.
- Defend yourself.

"Se tu partes / decidido a morrer, arrasta-nos contigo / para o que der e vier; porém, se tens confiança / nessas armas, que sabes quanto valem, / defende então primeiro o nosso lar. / Com quem pensas deixar o teu filhinho? / A quem confias o teu velho pai / e esta esposa que um dia tanto amaste?”

"If death thou seekest, take me at thy side / thy death to share, but if, expert in strife, / thou hop'st in arms, here guard us and abide. / To whom dost thou expose Iulus' life, / thy father's, yea, and mine, once called, alas! thy wife?"