Translation of "Contigo" in English

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Contigo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Conto contigo.

I count on you.

Irei contigo.

- I'm coming with you.
- I will come with you.
- I'll be going with you.
- I'll go with you.
- I'll come with you.
- I'll go along with you.

Estou contigo.

- I'm with you.
- I am with you.

Que aconteceu contigo?

- What happened to you?
- What's happened to you?
- What has happened to you?

Queria falar contigo.

- I'd like to talk to you.
- I'd like to talk with you.
- I wish to speak to you.

Posso contar contigo?

- Can I rely on you?
- Can I count on you?

Posso falar contigo?

- May I talk to you?
- Can I talk to you?

Eu irei contigo.

- I'm coming with you.
- I will come with you.
- I'll go with you.
- I'll come with you.
- I'll go along with you.
- I'll accompany you.

Não discuto contigo.

I won't fight you.

Eles moram contigo?

Do they live with you?

Podemos falar contigo?

- Can we speak with you?
- Can we talk with you?

Nós adoraríamos trabalhar contigo.

- We would love to work with you.
- We'd love to work with you.

Iremos contigo ao hospital.

I'll accompany you to the hospital.

Tom precisa falar contigo.

Tom needs to talk to you.

Leve alguns guardanapos contigo.

Take some napkins with you.

Agora estou aqui contigo.

Now I'm here with you.

É bom falar contigo.

It's good to talk to you.

Ele sempre estará contigo.

He will always be with you.

Tom quer falar contigo.

- Tom wants to talk to you.
- Tom wants a word with you.
- Tom wants to speak with you.
- Tom would like to speak with you.
- Tom wants to talk with you.
- Tom would like to have a word with you.
- Tom would like a word with you.

Eu aprendi isso contigo.

- I learned it from you.
- I learned that from you.

Deus esteja contigo, Tom.

God be with you, Tom.

A paz esteja contigo.

- Peace be with you!
- Peace be with you.

Tom deseja falar contigo.

Tom wishes to speak with you.

Vou partilhá-los contigo.

I'll share them with you.

Eu não irei contigo.

I won't be going with you.

Leve-nos contigo, Tom.

Take us with you, Tom.

Só queremos conversar contigo.

We just want to talk to you.

Tens uma caneta contigo?

- Do you have a pen on you?
- Do you have a pencil about you?

Foi bom falar contigo.

Nice talking with you.

Preciso falar contigo imediatamente.

I have to speak with you right now.

Não sei lidar contigo.

I don't know how to deal with you.

A paz esteja contigo!

- Peace be with you!
- Peace be with you.

Se necessário, irei contigo.

If need be, I'll go with you.

Infelizmente, não concordo contigo.

- I'm afraid I don't agree with you.
- I'm afraid that I don't agree with you.

- Quero passar tempo junto contigo.
- Eu quero passar tempo junto contigo.

I want to spend time with you.

- Eu fico feliz quando estou contigo.
- Fico feliz quando estou contigo.
- Eu fico feliz quando eu estou contigo.

I'm happy when I'm with you.

Como posso me comunicar contigo?

Where can I get in touch with you?

Eu não concordo muito contigo.

- I do not quite agree with you.
- I don't quite agree with you.

Ele quer se encontrar contigo.

He wants to meet you.

Que a Força esteja contigo!

- May the Force be with you.
- May the Force be with you!

Quero passar tempo junto contigo.

I want to spend time with you.

Caso seja necessário, irei contigo.

If need be, I'll go with you.

- Terminei contigo.
- Terminei com você.

I'm finished with you.

Falei contigo ontem à noite.

I spoke to you last evening.

Eu quero compartilhar isso contigo.

I want to share it with you.

Estou parcialmente de acordo contigo.

I partly agree with you.

Eu peguei o livro contigo.

I took the book from you.

Posso trocar uma palavra contigo?

Can I have a few words with you?

Hoje não quero conversa contigo.

I don't want to talk to you today.

- Sonhei com você.
- Sonhei contigo.

- I dreamt about you.
- I dreamed about you.

Não estou de acordo contigo.

- I don't agree with you.
- I disagree with you.

Estou um pouco preocupado contigo.

I'm a little worried about you.

Me encontrarei contigo na estação.

I'll meet you at the station.

- Estamos com você.
- Estamos contigo.

- We're with you.
- We are with you.

Sonho contigo todas as noites.

I dream about you every night.

Eu não tenho segredos contigo.

- I have no secrets from you.
- I haven't kept any secrets from you.

O Tom não concorda contigo.

Tom doesn't agree with you.

O que se passou contigo?

What has gotten into you?

Não me apetece ir contigo.

I don't feel like coming with you.

- Foi bom conversar contigo.
- Gostei de conversar contigo.
- Foi bom conversar com você.

It was nice talking to you.

- Estou sendo bom contigo essa manhã.
- Eu estou sendo boa contigo essa manhã.

I'm being good to you this morning.

- Eu tentei falar com você.
- Tentei falar com você.
- Tentei conversar com você.
- Eu tentei conversar com você.
- Eu tentei falar contigo.
- Tentei falar contigo.
- Tentei conversar contigo.
- Eu tentei conversar contigo.

I tried to talk to you.

Como eu gostaria de estar contigo!

How I'd like to be with you!

Eu estarei contigo em um segundo.

I'll be with you in a second.

- Você está bem?
- Tudo bem contigo?

Are you okay?

Eu queria tomar uma cerveja contigo.

I wanted to have a beer with you.

Eu não falei contigo antes, falei?

I haven't spoken to you before, have I?

Eu quero passar tempo junto contigo.

- I want to spend some time with you.
- I want to spend time with you.

Será que isto já aconteceu contigo?

Has this ever happened to you?

Por favor, deixe-me ir contigo.

Please let me come with you.

Eu não deveria estar falando contigo.

I shouldn't be talking to you.

Queria ter estado contigo naquele tempo.

I wish I had been with you then.

Você gostaria que eu fosse contigo?

Would you like me to go with you?

Eu gostaria de poder conversar contigo.

I wish I could talk to you.

Eu quero compartilhar minha vida contigo.

I want to spend my life with you.

- Eu gosto de estar com você.
- Gosto de estar contigo.
- Eu gosto de estar contigo.

I like to be with you.

- Tom queria falar contigo.
- O Tom queria falar contigo.
- O Tom queria falar com você.

- Tom wanted to talk to you.
- Tom wanted to talk with you.

- Estou totalmente de acordo contigo.
- Estou totalmente de acordo com você.
- Estou absolutamente de acordo contigo.

- I agree with you absolutely.
- I agree with you completely.
- I agree with you 100 percent.

- Posso falar contigo?
- Posso falar com você?

- May I have a talk with you?
- Can I speak to you?

Estarei contigo, não importa o que aconteça.

No matter what happens, I'll stand by you.

Quero falar contigo em privado. Chama-me.

I wish to speak with you in private. Call me.

Ela diz que trarás alguns amigos contigo.

She says you'll bring some friends along.