Translation of "Yesmi" in English

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Examples of using "Yesmi" in a sentence and their english translations:

Yesmi le regarda calmement.

Yesmi calmly looks at him.

Après l'avoir écoutée, Yesmi proposa de l'aider.

On hearing her, Yesmi volunteers to help her.

Yesmi et Nomi représentent deux manières d'être.

Yesmi and Nomi represent two states of being.

Yesmi, lorsqu'il agit, est en pleine conscience,

Yesmi, while in action, is fully present,

Deux moines, Yesmi et Nomi, retournent au monastère

Two monks, Yesmi and Nomi, are returning back to the monastery

Yesmi a résolu le problème d'un autre être humain

Yesmi solves the problem of a fellow human being

Yesmi s'approcha d'elle et lui demanda ce qui la préoccupait.

Yesmi walks up to her and asks her what was troubling her?

Yesmi regarda Nomi calmement et lui dit : « Oui, c'est vrai,

Yesmi calmly looks at Nomi and says, "Yes, that is true,

Yesmi représente l'état merveilleux et Nomi représente l'état de stress.

Yesmi represents the beautiful state, and Nomi represents the stressful state.

Il y a eu des fois où nous étions Yesmi,

There have been times when you have been Yesmi,

Et lui dit : « Yesmi, tu sais ce que tu as fait ? »

he says, "Yesmi, do you know what you have done?"

Yesmi n'a pas apporté son aide afin d'assurer sa place au paradis,

Yesmi helped, not because he would be barred entry into heaven,