Translation of "Calmement" in English

0.041 sec.

Examples of using "Calmement" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Venez calmement.
- Viens calmement.

Come calmly.

Calmement !


- Tom s'est assis calmement.
- Tom s'assit calmement.

Tom sat calmly.

Très calmement, clairement,

very calmly, clearly,

Tom parla calmement.

Tom spoke calmly.

Tom s'assit calmement.

- Tom sat calmly.
- Tom sat quietly.

- Tu devrais agir plus calmement.
- Vous devez agir plus calmement.
- Tu devrais te comporter plus calmement.

You should act more calmly.

Yesmi le regarda calmement.

Yesmi calmly looks at him.

Nous devrions discuter calmement !

We should talk calmly to each other.

Elle prit la nouvelle calmement.

She took the news calmly.

Tu devrais agir plus calmement.

You should act more calmly.

Vous devez agir plus calmement.

You should act more calmly.

Asseyons-nous et discutons-en calmement.

Let's sit down and discuss it calmly.

Tu devrais te comporter plus calmement.

You should act more calmly.

Et généralement, il souriait et disait très calmement :

And he would usually smile and very calmly say,

Il observait cela calmement à une distance convenable.

He observed this calmly, from a comfortable distance.

Yesmi regarda Nomi calmement et lui dit : « Oui, c'est vrai,

Yesmi calmly looks at Nomi and says, "Yes, that is true,

Je rentrerai à la maison et nous parlerons calmement de tout.

I’ll come home and we’ll calmly talk about everything.

Il dit calmement aux policiers qu'il était étudiant à la Temple University

he quietly told the officers that he was a student at Temple University

Il s'est dirigé calmement vers le banc, a fait rentrer un joueur,

He calmly walked over to the bench subbed his player

- Je conduis calmement car nous voulons voir les animaux.
- Je conduis doucement car nous voulons voir les animaux.

I'm driving slowly because we want to see the animals.

Les deux coururent l'un contre l'autre, assez naturellement, au coin ; et puis vint l'horrible phase de la chose ; car l'homme piétina calmement le corps de l'enfant et la laissa hurler au sol.

The two ran into one another naturally enough at the corner; and then came the horrible part of the thing; for the man trampled calmly over the child's body and left her screaming on the ground.

L'hiver était devenu de plus en plus froid; il était obligé de nager en rond dans l'eau pour éviter de geler, mais chaque nuit, l'espace dans lequel il nageait devenait de plus en plus petit. A la longue, il gelait si fort que la glace craquait à chacun de ses mouvements, et le caneton devait bouger ses jambes autant qu'il le pouvait afin d'éviter que l'espace ne se ferme. Il était épuisé à la fin, et se coucha calmement et sans espoir, rapidement congelé dans la glace.

The winter grew colder and colder; he was obliged to swim about on the water to keep it from freezing, but every night the space on which he swam became smaller and smaller. At length it froze so hard that the ice in the water crackled as he moved, and the duckling had to paddle with his legs as well as he could, to keep the space from closing up. He became exhausted at last, and lay still and helpless, frozen fast in the ice.