Translation of "Regarda" in English

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Regarda" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Elle regarda la photo.
- Elle regarda le tableau.

She looked at the picture.

Elle regarda derrière.

She looked behind.

L'homme me regarda.

The man looked at me.

Sami regarda l'argent.

Sami looked at the cash.

Yesmi le regarda calmement.

Yesmi calmly looks at him.

Marie regarda George, admirative.

Mary gazed at George in admiration.

Elle me regarda tristement.

She looked sadly at me.

Elle regarda le ciel.

She looked up at the sky.

Il regarda derrière lui.

He looked back.

Il regarda de loin.

He watched from a distance.

Il regarda le ciel.

He looked up at the sky.

Il regarda au loin.

He looked away.

Elle regarda tout autour.

She looked all around.

Elle regarda la photo.

She looked at the picture.

Elle regarda le tableau.

- She looked at the picture.
- She looked at the painting.

Tom regarda son agenda.

Tom looked at his appointment book.

Tom regarda le sol.

Tom looked at the ground.

Tom regarda à l'intérieur.

Tom looked inside.

Papa regarda maman timidement.

Dad looked at Mom shyly.

Tom regarda Mary danser.

Tom watched Mary dance.

Tom regarda en arrière.

Tom looked back.

Tom regarda un publireportage.

Tom watched an infomercial.

Tom regarda Mary travailler.

Tom watched Mary work.

Tom regarda de près.

Tom watched closely.

Elle le regarda nager.

She watched him swim.

Jean regarda une poire.

Jean looked at a pear.

Tom regarda sa montre.

Tom looked at his watch.

Et regarda par la fenêtre.

and looked out the window.

Il la regarda avec colère.

He looked at her angrily.

Il regarda attentivement les papiers.

He had a good look at the papers.

Il regarda les garçons nager.

- He watched the boys swimming.
- He watched after the children as they were swimming.

Il me regarda avec surprise.

He looked at me in surprise.

Il regarda dans la boîte.

He looked into the box.

Il me regarda et aboya.

He looked at me and barked.

Elle le regarda d'en bas.

She looked up at him.

Il regarda par la fenêtre.

He looked out of the window.

Elle le regarda avec colère.

She looked at him angrily.

- Tom a regardé.
- Tom regarda.

Tom looked.

Tom regarda par la fenêtre.

Tom looked out of the window.

Elle me regarda et sourit.

She looked at me and smiled.

Elle se rassit et regarda.

She sat back and watched.

Il regarda dans le vide.

- He stared into space.
- He was staring into space.

Il la regarda et rougit.

He looked at her and blushed.

Tom le regarda avec méfiance.

Tom looked at it suspiciously.

Tom regarda le ciel étoilé.

Tom looked up at the starry sky.

Il regarda sa belle tulipe.

He looked at his beautiful tulip.

Marie regarda par la fenêtre.

Mary stared out the window.

Tom regarda sa série préférée.

Tom watched his favorite television show.

Tom regarda dans le réfrigérateur.

Tom looked in the refrigerator.

Tom regarda Maria avec méfiance.

Tom looked at Mary suspiciously.

Le garçon regarda dans la pièce.

The boy looked into the room.

Mary se regarda dans le miroir.

Mary looked at herself in the mirror.

Mon père me regarda avec colère.

Father gave an angry look at me.

Il la regarda dans les yeux.

He looked her right in the eye.

Il me regarda dans les yeux.

He looked me in the eye.

Il me regarda pour une explication.

He looked at me for an explanation.

Il regarda par-dessus son épaule.

He looked back over his shoulder.

Tom regarda Mary dans les yeux.

Tom looked Mary in the eye.

- Elle le regarda.
- Elle l'a regardé.

- She looked up at him.
- She looked at him.

Elle regarda furtivement dans la pièce.

- She sneaked into the room.
- She snuck into the room.

Il se regarda dans le miroir.

- He looked at himself in the mirror.
- He was looking at himself in the mirror.

Elle le regarda tracer un dessin.

- She watched him draw a picture.
- She watched him drawing a picture.

Tom regarda à travers les jumelles.

Tom looked through the binoculars.