Translation of "Homeless" in Portuguese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Homeless" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- He is homeless.
- He's homeless.

Ele é sem-teto.

I'm homeless.

Sou desabrigado.

- I have no home.
- I'm homeless.

Não tenho lar.

There is an urgent need for the local government to help the homeless.

Há urgente necessidade de ajuda do governo local aos desabrigados.

- Homeless people have no money but they do not enjoy being told off for it.
- Homeless people have no money but they do not like having that fact thrown in their face.

Os sem-abrigo não têm dinheiro mas não gostam que se lhes atire isso à cara.

Scarce now the summer had begun, when straight / my father, old Anchises, gave command / to spread our canvas and to trust to Fate. / Weeping, I leave my native port, the land, / the fields where once the Trojan towers did stand, / and, homeless, launch upon the boundless brine, / heart-broken outcast, with an exiled band, / comrades, and son, and household gods divine, / and the great Gods of Troy, the guardians of our line.

Logo que chega a primavera, Anquises manda / largar as velas aos caprichos do destino. / Então com lágrimas nos olhos vou deixando / o porto, o pátrio litoral, toda a planície / onde um dia foi Troia. Ao mar me entrego, / qual exilado, com meu filho, os companheiros, / nossos penates, nossos grandes deuses.

- Enraged by these things as well, she kept the Trojans, all that were left of the Greeks and indomitable Achilles, far away from Latium, tossed by the wide ocean; they wandered for many years, driven by the Fates, all around the seas.
- So fired with rage, the Trojans' scanty train / by fierce Achilles and the Greeks unslain / she barred from Latium, and in evil strait / for many a year, on many a distant main / they wandered, homeless outcasts, tost by fate.

Inflamada por esses sentimentos, / para longe do Lácio ela afastava, / atirados por todo o imenso mar, / os bem poucos troianos que escaparam / dos ardis dos aqueus e do bárbaro Aquiles. / E, joguetes da sorte, eles erravam / de mar em mar havia muitos anos.