Translation of "Displays" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Displays" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

That the ocean puts on its most magical displays.

‎海では魔法のような ‎光景が繰り広げられる

You can't see too well with these LCD displays.


These nocturnal displays are surprisingly common. Three quarters of all marine animals create bioluminescence,

‎このような光は ‎夜の海では珍しくない ‎海洋生物の4分の3が ‎発光する性質を持つ

When the counter value reaches the assigned 'lucky-number' it displays a congratulatory message.


A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device.


The Firework's displays final "Weeping Willow" display brilliantly launched into the night sky, slowly dripping down as it drew a gentle slope until finally its blossoming figure gradually vanished.
