Translation of "Surprisingly" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Surprisingly" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

And surprisingly,


And perhaps surprisingly,


This film was surprisingly interesting.


But there's a surprisingly insidious counterstory --

でも驚くほどに有害な 反対の言説もあります

Surprisingly, he was good at singing.


But at night, they are surprisingly hostile.


The stock market was surprisingly quiet today.


What he said there was surprisingly difficult.


Surprisingly, he swims even on cold days.


Tom always gets the job done surprisingly fast.


It also means that they are surprisingly good swimmers.

また 驚くほど泳ぎが達者です

But using a surprisingly gentle language, they get along.

‎しかし 驚くほど優しく ‎やりとりをしている

Surprisingly, her contribution lifted me onto the winner's podium.

ところがやっぱりキャサリンが 活躍してくれたことによって

Surprisingly enough, he turned out to be a thief.


Hanako turned out to be a surprisingly nice person.


This book is surprisingly easy to read, isn't it?


Surprisingly, the ages of applicants ranged between 18 and 68.

なんと18歳から68歳の方が 応募してきたんです

I thought to myself that I am surprisingly still alive.

「あれ? 案外イケてるやん」 って思ったんです

Surprisingly, he is the type that worries about being in the public eye.


These nocturnal displays are surprisingly common. Three quarters of all marine animals create bioluminescence,

‎このような光は ‎夜の海では珍しくない ‎海洋生物の4分の3が ‎発光する性質を持つ

They’re actually surprisingly agile, they can spin around pretty much on a 20 cent piece.

驚くほど機敏で 1カ所でスピンもできる

Surprisingly, he did his last job in one-third the time it would take me.


When you're at work, if you have a lot of workmates, it's surprisingly difficult to build a consensus.


The key is that Asuka abuses Shinji. So, rarely, Shinji flips and assaults Asuka. Then Asuka is surprisingly meek.


I polished for all I was worth. The trouble is that my stock of low-grade gems was surprisingly low.


- Are you still letting last night's fight bother you? That's so naive.
- Are you still letting last night's fight bother you? You're surprisingly sensitive.


I thought that reading using kanji would be easier, but I find that there are a lot of kanji I cannot read so it is surprisingly difficult.


- To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice.
- To my surprise, he was good at singing.
- To our surprise, he was good at singing.
- Surprisingly, he was good at singing.
- Much to our surprise, he was good at singing.
