Translation of "Create" in Japanese

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Create" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Let's create images


Composers create music.


You create original content,


We can create educational programs

全ての赤ちゃんが遊びを通じて 外国語を学ぶ

And create real, strong communities.

本物の強いコミュニティを 生み出すという世界です

I'm working to create materials


Because those changes create adventure.


You create folders of similar files,

関連したファイルをまとめて フォルダを作り

Why don't we create other models


Just like biodiversity helps to create


And pressure gradients create surface wind,


Can we create softer urban systems?

もっと柔らかい都市機能は 作れないだろうか?

Imagine what they'll create: breakthroughs, inventions.

彼らが将来 生み出す進歩や発明を 想像してみてください

We cannot create cities for everyone


Our cities create serious pollution problems.


Those who create stereotypes have this opportunity,

ステレオタイプを作り出す人たちには この機会がありますが

Let's create images that make us free,


Can we create environments, within public education,


You create more problems than you solve.

解決するよりも 多くの問題を生むのです

And we create certain independence in society,

そして社会の中においても 自立が尊ばれます

We constructed rituals to create symbolic logos.

象徴的なロゴを生み出すという 儀式を作り上げました

We can create a modern patent system

私たちは21世紀の 社会のニーズに応える

They create adventure, and architecture is adventure.

冒険が生まれ 建築は冒険となります

They should create a sense of curiosity.

人々の好奇心を 掻き立てるべきであること

Psychology says, in order to create engagement,


So use that privilege to create change.

その立場を 変化を起こすことに使ってください

The government's investment will create many jobs.


Human beings are created to create things.


Can we create something out of nothing?


How do you create something that lasts?

どうしたら時を超えて残るものを 作れるのでしょう?

Is needed to create a truly bilingual mind?

どれくらい そしてどのように 言語を教えるべきでしょう?

Markets inevitably create more problems than they solve.

解決する問題の件数よりも 多数の問題を生じることは不可避です

Use your fire steel to create a spark...


To really create this beautiful, 3-D camouflage.

この見事な3次元の カモフラージュができあがります

And now, as I create large-scale performances,

今 大規模なパフォーマンス作品を 生み出す中で

Because you create a place that's open, accessible.

誰にもでも解放された いつでも利用できる 場所を作ることだから

And to create many unique environments for kids.

たくさんのユニークな環境を 子供たちのために作り出したいと思うもので

The hyenas do their best to create panic.

‎ハイエナは ‎ゾウの防御を崩したい

Asian religions inspire him to create splendid sculptures.


Women have this amazing ability to create life,

女性は生命を生み出す 素晴らしい力を持っています

And wouldn't stop attempting to create something new.

そういう事に なっていきます

Let's create images that would make us feel happy

鏡の前に立ったときに どのような体形であっても

To create a product that is entirely without taste.

全く風味のない製品を 作り出すためのものなのです

This will help create a general conversation and awareness


And then this is gonna create masses of smoke,


We can actually create curves or any organic form,

曲げたり 有機的な形にして

My other motivation to create this network was worry.

私がこのネットワークを作る もう一つの理由は懸念です

That would create unprecedented flash floods in my country.

そうなれば 我が国では 前例のない鉄砲水が発生し

This is the way to create a cultural place.


To inspire us to create something bigger than ourselves,

世界をより良いものにする 手助けとなるよう 促す為に

New GATT resolutions could create a real shake-up.


How do you create an idea that has meaning?

どうしたら意味のあるアイデアを 作れるのでしょう?

How do you create an idea that breaks through?

ブレークスルーとなるアイデアを 作るには?

The heavens do not create men that are more than men, nor do they create men that are less than men.


This data didn't exist, so we had to create it.

このデータがなかったので データ作りが必要でした

To create an idea that would never have materialized otherwise

実現可能なアイデアに創り上げる ことができたのです

Which is also going to create this charming, warm environment.

それが魅力的であたたかい 雰囲気を生み出します

The first two ideas on that list create a pattern,

最初の2つで パターンが生まれます

So the users can keep hosting content and create websites

中国のインターネットに 検閲されてしまうような

So that they can create a business of their own.

ビジネスや起業について 学びたいのです

You create a building for a better world, for sure.

より良い世界のための建物であることは 確かです

And to create a new generation of human-centered jobs

人間を中心に据えた 次世代の仕事を作り出し

Let's create images that make us want to talk to people


Gives you the possibly to create something that is patient-specific.

患者個別の造形を 可能にするのです

To create what we called the Sistine Chapel of street art,

「ストリートアートのシスティーナ礼拝堂」 なるものを作りました

That we're motivated to dig into a problem and create change.

私たちは問題を掘り下げて 変化を起こす気にさせられるのです

We will be able to build farms and create fields there.


We'll also have to create a separate smoking section, won't we?


If I create an example, will you correct it for me?


- I never thought it'd be this hard to create an iPad app.
- I never thought that it'd be this hard to create an iPad app.


Being able to create confidence in myself made me take on challenges

自分に自信が持てることで 新たな挑戦に向かえるようになりました

You can pretty much create the willpower to do just about anything.

その力を使って 大体のことは できるようになります

They create a soil structure that absorbs water just like a sponge.

まるでスポンジの様に水を吸収する 土の構成を生み出します

The future continues on from what we build and create right now.

私たちが今作り上げているものが 未来へと続きます

We can not only create environments where people love coming to work

仕事に行くのが楽しみになる 環境を作り出せるだけでなく

I never thought it'd be this hard to create an iPad app.


The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.


- For my summer homework, I'll try to create a big object with milk cartons.
- For my summer homework, I'll try to create something big with milk cartons.


"I have freedom of expression, so I can create whatever discourse I want."

表現の自由があるので どのような議論も思いのままだ

So what is it that we have to do to create bilingual minds?

では バイリンガルになるのに 必要なことは何でしょう?

And solutions create new problems which have to be solved in their turn.

問題を解決すると 別の解決すべき問題が出てきます

He criticised every decision, helping to create a poisonous atmosphere at French headquarters.


That motivated me to create this robot which can walk with one arm.

腕一本で歩くロボットを 作りました

But if you create the willpower to stop your brain from thinking long enough,

自制心を使って しばらく頭で 考えることを止めることができれば

And they invited me to create a project that we're calling the "Open Orchard"

ここで「オープン・オーチャード」と呼ぶ プロジェクトを実行して

These nocturnal displays are surprisingly common. Three quarters of all marine animals create bioluminescence,

‎このような光は ‎夜の海では珍しくない ‎海洋生物の4分の3が ‎発光する性質を持つ

Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them.


For my summer homework, I'll try to create a big object with milk cartons.


It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.


The MPC gave Dilla the flexibility to create and manipulate his bass in a lot

このMPCが彼のベース音の生成と操作に 柔軟性を与え

What this taught me was in order to create a true connection with my inner self,

この経験が教えてくれたことは 内なる自分と真の繋がりを作るには

Can an omnipotent God create a stone so heavy that even He may not lift it?
