Translation of "Expressing" in Japanese

0.026 sec.

Examples of using "Expressing" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

I cannot forbear expressing my doubts.


They're expressing their love by hugging.

- 彼らはハグで愛を示している。
- 彼らは抱きしめることで彼らの愛情を表している。

The photo artist had trouble expressing himself.


She is backward in expressing her opinion.


I'm not good at expressing my feelings.


Tom never felt comfortable expressing his own opinion.

- トムは気兼ねすることなく自分の意見を述べたことがない。
- トムは自分の意見を言うのにいつでもどぎまぎしてしまう。

Without distancing myself from the person who's expressing those views.

それを表明する人は 拒絶しないことを学びました

You should be more discreet in expressing yourself in public.


I cannot refrain from expressing my opinion about the affair.


And using that and expressing it in any situation that I am put in.

そして いかなる状況でも それを使って表現することです

Language has, at the same time as being method of expressing one's thoughts, the side of being something used to think with.


Why don't you try expressing your opinion a little more gently? Think about how he feels getting told flatly that he's being cut loose.


The future progressive tense is used when expressing events and action in progress at some future point, however the example sentence cannot be understood in that way.


The interdependence of thought and speech makes it clear that languages are not so much a means of expressing truth that has already been established, but a means of discovering truth that was previously unknown. Their diversity is a diversity not of sounds and signs but of ways of looking at the world.
