Translation of "D'Énée" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "D'Énée" in a sentence and their english translations:

Son esprit des humains roulait la destinée, / lorsque Vénus, sa fille, et la mère d'Énée, / gémissante, et de pleurs inondant ses beaux yeux :

To him, such cares revolving in his breast, / her shining eyes suffused with tears, came nigh / fair Venus, for her darling son distrest, / and thus in sorrowing tones the Sire of heaven addressed.

Cependant de ses flots, sans son ordre agités, / Neptune entend le bruit ; il entend la tempête / mugir autour d'Énée, et gronder sur sa tête.

Meanwhile great Neptune, sore amazed, perceived / the storm let loose, the turmoil of the sky, / and ocean from its lowest depths upheaved. / With calm brow lifted o'er the sea, his eye...

" Assis, après sa mort, sur le trône d'Énée, / Ascagne trente fois verra naître l'année, / et, de Lavinium aux remparts des Albains, / portera le premier le berceau des Romains. "

"Then, too, the boy Ascanius, named of late / Iulus (Ilus was he in the day / when firm by royalty stood Ilium's state) / shall rule till thirty years complete the destined date. / He from Lavinium shall remove his seat, / and gird Long Alba for defence."