Translation of "Sinan" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Sinan" in a sentence and their french translations:

Mimar Sinan later worked on strengthening

Mimar Sinan a ensuite travaillé sur le renforcement

Meanwhile, Sinan marches further into Wallachia.

Pendant ce temps, Sinan marche plus loin en Valachie.

Sinan proceeds to send troops across the river.

Sinan continue d'envoyer des troupes à travers la rivière.

But Sinan never got the chance to execute his plans.

Mais Sinan n'a jamais eu la chance d'exécuter ses plans.

Sinan joins the fighting himself and orders an all-out charge.

Sinan se joint aux combats et ordonne une charge générale.

Sinan shores up his ranks and readies the men, just in time.

Sinan renforce ses rangs et prépare le les hommes, juste à temps.

Seeing that some of his men are wavering, Sinan personally rallies the troops.

Voyant que certains de ses hommes hésitent, Sinan rallie personnellement les troupes.

In the melee, Sinan is thrown from his horse into the muddy river.

Dans la mêlée, Sinan est jeté de son cheval dans la rivière boueuse.

Sinan orders most of the artillery to support his cavalry on the right flank.

Sinan ordonne à la plupart de l'artillerie de soutenir sa cavalerie sur le flanc droit.

Upon learning of the approaching army Sinan decides to retreat south across the Danube and regroup.

Après avoir appris que l'armée approchait, Sinan décide de battre en retraite vers le sud à travers le Danube et de se regrouper.

Amidst the chaotic fighting, it is some time before Sinan is helped back onto his horse.

Au milieu des combats chaotiques, il est un certain temps avant que Sinan ne soit aidé sur son cheval.

Seeing that his men are losing heart, Sinan personally rides across the bridge to rally his men.

Voyant que ses hommes perdent courage, Sinan traverse personnellement le pont pour rallier ses hommes.

But Sinan orders trees to be cut down and placed over the swampy river around the bridge.

Mais Sinan ordonne l'abattage des arbres et les placé sur la rivière marécageuse autour du pont.

Sinan is at first unable to see the enemy approaching, but news of the attack soon reaches him.

Sinan est d'abord incapable de voir l'ennemi approchant, mais la nouvelle de l'attaque lui parvient rapidement.