Translation of "Pasaban" in English

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Examples of using "Pasaban" in a sentence and their english translations:

Las horas pasaban.

The hours ticked by.

Lo pasaban bien.

They went well.

A medida que pasaban los meses.

As the months passed,

Pasaban de un lado a otro.

They went from one place to the next.

Que los jugadores se pasaban el balón.

the basketball was passed between teammates.

Incursiones guerrilleras pasaban factura a su ejército.

raids took their toll on his army.

Sus propias tropas pasaban hambre y sin paga.

his own troops went hungry and without pay.

Los únicos pensamientos que pasaban por mi mente

The only thoughts that went through my mind

Me dijeron que ustedes pasaban un invierno excepcionalmente frío.

I hear that you are having an unusually cold winter.

El viernes por la noche que antes pasaban viendo la tele,

that Friday night that was once spent in front of the TV

Pasaban por una serie de pruebas para ver si uno era "adecuado".

They'd go through a series of tests to see if you fit the bill.

Sé que pasaban muchas cosas en mi mentecilla de niña de 10 años.

I know there was a lot going on in my little 10-year-old mind.

A medida que pasaban los días, comenzábamos a comprender la gravedad del problema.

As the days passed by, we began to understand the seriousness of the matter.

El pelotón estaba encabezado por el general, que se mantenía firme según pasaban las horas.

The squad was led by the general, who stood firm as the hours passed.

A medida que pasaban los días, empezábamos a comprender en qué problema nos habíamos metido.

As the days passed by, we began to understand what kind of problem we had got into.

Todas las comunicaciones de voz a la nave espacial pasaban a través del comunicador de cápsula o

All voice communications to the spacecraft passed through the capsule communicator or

Los dos ejércitos estaban situados el uno en frente del otro y se pasaban los días sin hacer nada.

Both armies were placed one in front of the other and spent their days doing nothing.

Ellos pasaban demasiado tiempo en Internet debido a que tenían un problema subyacente que además causaba que desatendieran a su hijo.

They used the Internet too much because they had some underlying problem that also caused them to neglect their child.