Translation of "Asesores" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Asesores" in a sentence and their english translations:

Empecemos, pues, a pedir a nuestros asesores financieros,

So let's start asking our financial planners,

Y las grandes personas que se unieron a su junta de asesores.

and the great people who have joined your advisory board.

Vez más analistas, los asesores del nuevo inquilino del Despacho Oval quieren dejar

To analysts, the advisors of the new tenant of the Oval Office want to leave

2 Jefes de Gabinete, 2 asesores de Seguridad Nacional y 5 personas diferentes han sido

2 Cabinet Chiefs, 2 National Security advisers, and 5 different people have been