Translation of "Raparigas" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Raparigas" in a sentence and their english translations:

Só havia algumas raparigas bronzeadas,

All we had was some tan girls,

raparigas que precisavam de apanhar sol.

girls who felt the need to be under the sun.

Estas duas raparigas com os seus superpoderes

These two little girls with their superpowers

Com navalhas, esculpiam suásticas nas coxas das raparigas.

With razors, they carved swastikas on girls' thighs.

O Sami estava a ter problemas com raparigas.

Sami was having issues with girls.

As raparigas começaram a rir quando ouviram a história.

The girls began to laugh when they heard the story.

A Mary é umas das raparigas mais bonitas que eu conheço.

- Mary is one of the prettiest girls I know.
- Mary is one of the prettiest girls that I know.

- As meninas falavam de meninos.
- As meninas falavam dos meninos.
- As raparigas falavam de rapazes.

The girls talked about boys.