Translation of "Pedisse" in English

0.031 sec.

Examples of using "Pedisse" in a sentence and their english translations:

Seu orgulho não permitiu que ele pedisse ajuda.

His pride didn't allow him to ask for help.

Eu ajudaria Tom se ele pedisse com educação.

I'd help Tom if he asked nicely.

Se eu lhe pedisse, ele me diria a verdade.

- If I were to ask him, he would tell me the truth.
- Were I to ask him, then he would tell me the truth.
- He would tell me the truth, if I would ask him.

Eu estava esperando que o Tom me pedisse para cantar.

I was hoping Tom would ask me to sing.

Você gostaria que eu pedisse essa marca para você no lugar?".

Would you like me to order this brand for you instead?

Tenho certeza de que se você pedisse ao Tom, ele diria sim.

I'm sure if you asked Tom, he'd say yes.

O que você faria se o Tom te pedisse para fazer isso?

What would you do if Tom asked you to do that?

- Eu iria buscar a lua se você me pedisse.
- Eu te daria a lua se me pedisses.

Ask for the moon and I shall wrest it from the heavens.

O Tom sabia que a Mary queria que o John pedisse que a Alice não fizesse isso.

Tom knew Mary wanted John to ask Alice not to do that.

"Ah! Você me nega uma coisinha tão pequena? E se eu pedisse algo grande?" "Talvez lhe fosse também recusado."

"Huh, are you refusing to do such a small thing for me? What if I asked for anything important?" "Perhaps you'd be refused."