Translation of "Cativeiro" in English

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Examples of using "Cativeiro" in a sentence and their english translations:

Estes rinocerontes nasceram em cativeiro.

These rhinos were born in captivity.

Tom fugiu do cativeiro diversas vezes.

Tom fled from captivity several times.

“Em muitos casos, pode-se dizer que esses tubarões em cativeiro já estavam no processo

"In most cases it could be said that all these captive sharks were merely in the process

Durante seu cativeiro ele garantiu aos piratas que haveria de matá-los. Os piratas acharam que isso era simplesmente uma piada. Quando foi resgatado, César perseguiu e capturou os piratas e mandou que os crucificassem.

During his captivity he made a promise to the pirates that he would eventually kill them. The pirates thought that this was only a joke. After he was ransomed, Caesar pursued and captured the pirates and ordered their crucifixion.

"Depois que as chamas consumiram nossa pátria, / vi-me arrastada por longínquos mares; / do rebento de Aquiles tolerando / a arrogância e o desprezo, em cativeiro / dei-lhe filhos. Mais tarde ele casou-se / com uma neta de Leda, Hermíone, em Esparta, / ao seu escravo Heleno tendo transmitido / o direito de posse desta escrava."

"I, torn from burning Troy o'er many a wave, / endured the lust of Pyrrhus and his pride, / and knew a mother's travail as his slave. / Fired with Hermione, a Spartan bride, / me, joined in bed and bondage, he allied / to Helenus."