Translation of "Inge" in English

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Examples of using "Inge" in a sentence and their english translations:

Kifordítva volt rajta az inge.

He had his shirt on inside out.

Tom kigombolta az inge mandzsettáját.

Tom unbuttoned his shirt cuffs.

Akinek nem inge, ne vegye magára.

If the cap fits, wear it.

Tamás inge nem jó már rám.

That shirt doesn't fit me anymore.

Tűrje fel jobb oldalon az inge ujját!

Roll up your right sleeve.

Az inge szürke, a nyakkendője sárga volt.

His shirt was gray and the tie was yellow.

Nem tudtam megmondani, hogy milyen színű volt az inge, mert kint nagyon sötét volt.

I couldn't tell what color his shirt was because it was too dark outside.