Translation of "Pillé" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Pillé" in a sentence and their english translations:

Des voleurs ont pillé le musée.

Thieves plundered the museum.

"Donald Trump avait pillé les entreprises"

"Mr Donald Trump had ensured he had been plundered all the company funds"

Les barbares ont violé et pillé notre ville.

The barbarians raped and pillaged our city.

Les Huns ont pillé le village et l'ont réduit en cendres.

The Huns pillaged the village and burned it to the ground.

Pillé, la fausse fille du président? Et si vous étiez juge, ce que vous auriez jugé sur

plundered him, the president's fake daughter? And if you were a judge, what you would have judged about

Il a vécu dans le style royal et, notoirement, a pillé les églises espagnoles à une telle échelle qu'il

He lived in royal style, and notoriously, looted Spanish churches on such a scale that