Translation of "Apennins" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Apennins" in a sentence and their english translations:

J'ai vu des loups dans les Apennins.

I have seen wolves in the Appennines.

Hannibal ramena son armée dans les Montagnes des Apennins.

Hannibal marshall ed his army back into the Apennine mountains.

L'hiver et le printemps, et les rudes Apennins chaîne de montagnes traversant la péninsule,

winter and spring, and the rugged Apennine mountain range cutting across the peninsula,

Ayant décidé de ne pas marcher sur Rome, Hannibal est retourné à travers les montagnes des Apennins.

Having decided not to march on Rome, Hannibal went back across the Apennine Mountains.