Translation of "Grazed" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Grazed" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Once, when I went to my friend Kawai's house, he fired a pistol. He thought it was not loaded and pointed it at my mouth, but it was and the bullet grazed my ear before hitting the closet.

Uma vez, quando fui à casa de meu amigo Kawai, este disparou uma pistola. Achou que não estava carregada e apontou-me na boca, mas na verdade estava e a bala encostou em minha orelha antes de se chocar contra o armário.

So Pharao told what he had dreamed: Methought I stood upon the bank of the river, and seven kine came up out of the river, exceeding beautiful and full of flesh: and they grazed on green places in a marshy pasture.

Então o faraó contou a José: Em meu sonho eu estava em pé, às margens do Nilo, quando saíram do rio sete vacas, bonitas e bem cevadas, que começaram a pastar entre os juncos.