Translation of "Was" in Portuguese

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Was" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- He was.
- She was.
- It was.


- He was.
- She was.


- It was horrible!
- It was awful.
- It was horrible.
- That was terrible.

Foi horrível!

Whatever was said was sad.

Tudo o que se dizia era triste.

- Tom was terrified.
- Tom was scared.
- Tom was frightened.

Tom estava assustado.

- Tom was crying.
- Tom was screaming.
- Tom was yelling.

- Tom estava chorando.
- Tom estava a chorar.
- O Tom estava chorando.

- That was amazing.
- It was unbelievable.
- That was unbelievable.

Aquilo foi incrível!

- That was easy.
- It was easy.
- This was easy.

Aquilo foi fácil.

- Tom was screaming.
- Tom was shouting.
- Tom was yelling.

- Tom estava gritando.
- Tom gritava.

- Tom was plastered.
- Tom was drunk.
- Tom was intoxicated.

O Tom estava bêbado.

- It was fabulous.
- It was great.
- It was fab.

- Isso foi fabuloso.
- Isso estava fabuloso.

- Tom was tired.
- Tom was sleepy.
- Tom was weary.

O Tom estava cansado.

- Was he French?
- Was it French?
- Was she French?

- Era francês?
- Ela era francesa?

- Who was that?
- Who was it?
- Who was he?

Quem era ela?

- Tom was sure Mary was lying.
- Tom was sure that Mary was lying.

Tom tinha certeza de que Maria estava mentindo.

- It was difficult.
- It was hard.
- That was difficult.
- That was hard.
- It's been difficult.
- This was hard.
- This was difficult.

Isso foi difícil.

- He was good and drunk.
- He was as drunk as a lord.
- He was hammered.
- He was totally drunk.
- He was smashed.
- He was plastered.
- He was sloshed.

Ele estava totalmente bêbado.

I was told I was pregnant.

disseram-me que eu estava grávida!

- He was bewildered.
- He was perplexed.

- Ele estava perplexo.
- Ele estava atónito.

- Tom was wrong.
- Tom was mistaken.

Tom estava errado.

- It was perfect!
- It was perfect.

- Estava perfeito.
- Era perfeito.
- Foi perfeito.

- That was unexpected.
- It was unexpected.

- Isso foi inesperado.
- Isso não foi previsto.

- It was horrible!
- It was horrible.

Foi horrível!

- I was worried.
- I was restless.

Eu estava ansioso.

- It was mesmerizing.
- It was fascinating.

Foi fascinante.

- He was impressed.
- I was impressed.

Fiquei impressionado.

- I was frustrated.
- I was irked.

- Eu fiquei frustrado.
- Fiquei frustrado.
- Eu estava frustrado.

- I was fine.
- I was okay.

Eu estava bem.

- It was horrible!
- It was awful.

- Foi horrível!
- Foi horrível.

- Everything was good.
- Everything was fine.

- Tudo estava bom.
- Tudo era bom.

Everybody who was anybody was there.

- Todos que não eram um joão-ninguém estavam lá.
- Todas as pessoas importantes estavam lá.

- It was easy.
- It was simple.

Foi fácil.

- That was unprofessional.
- It was unprofessional.

Isso foi pouco profissional.

- It was gross.
- It was disgusting.

- Isso foi nojento.
- Foi nojento.

- That was Tom.
- It was Tom.

- Foi o Tom.
- Era o Tom.

- It was inevitable.
- It was unavoidable.

Não deu para evitar.

- It was freezing!
- It was freezing.

Estava congelando.

- Tom was angry.
- Tom was annoyed.

O Tom estava irritado.

- Tom was stoned.
- Tom was high.

Tom estava chapado.

- Tom was honest.
- Tom was truthful.

Tom foi honesto.

- It was convincing.
- It was persuasive.

Foi convincente.

- That was scary.
- It was frightening.

Foi assustador.

- That was depressing.
- It was depressing.

Foi deprimente.

- That was inevitable.
- That was unavoidable.

Isso era inevitável.

- It was nice.
- It was cool.

Foi legal.

- Tom was shy.
- Tom was timid.

Tom era tímido.

- Everyone was there.
- Everybody was there.

Estava todo mundo lá.

- It was perfect.
- That was perfect.

Isso foi perfeito.

- Was Tom asleep?
- Was Tom sleeping?

Tom estava dormindo?

- He was crying.
- He was sobbing.

Ele estava chorando.

- I was joking.
- I was kidding.

Eu estava brincando.

- I was sick.
- I was ill.

Eu estava doente.

- Everybody was laughing.
- Everyone was laughing.

Todo mundo estava rindo.

- Who was that?
- Who was it?

Quem era?

- Who was elected?
- Who was chosen?

Quem foi eleito?

- Was everyone listening?
- Was everybody listening?

- Todo mundo estava ouvindo?
- Todo mundo estava escutando?
- Todos estavam ouvindo?
- Todos estavam escutando?

- Was anybody listening?
- Was anyone listening?

- Alguém estava ouvindo?
- Alguém estava escutando?

Tom was aware Mary was lying.

- Tom sabia que Mary estava mentindo.
- Tom estava ciente de que Mary estava mentindo.

- Tom was kidding.
- Tom was joking.

Tom estava brincando.

- It was magic.
- It was magical.

Foi mágico.

- Tom was surprised that Mary was still up.
- Tom was surprised Mary was still up.

O Tom estava surpreso que a Mary ainda estava acordada.

- Tom was aware that he was being watched.
- Tom was aware he was being watched.

Tom estava ciente de que o estavam observando.

- Tom was satisfied that the salesman was honest.
- Tom was satisfied the salesman was honest.

O Tom ficou satisfeito por o vendedor ser honesto.

- It was really interesting.
- That was really interesting.
- It was very interesting.
- That was very interesting.
- This was very interesting.

Isso foi muito interessante.

- There was nobody there.
- No one was there.
- Nobody was there.

- Não havia ninguém lá.
- Não estava ninguém lá.

- It was cloudy yesterday.
- Yesterday was cloudy.
- It was overcast yesterday.

Estava nublado ontem.

- 1980 was the year when I was born.
- 1980 was the year that I was born.

1980 foi o ano em que eu nasci.

- Tom was very angry and I was, too.
- Tom was very angry and so was I.

- Tom estava muito zangado, e eu também.
- O Tom estava muito zangado, e eu também.

- It was my fault.
- This was my fault.
- That was my fault.
- I was to blame.

A culpa foi minha.

- I was only joking.
- I was just joking.
- I was just messing around.
- I was only kidding.
- I was just kidding.

Eu só estava brincando.

was sincere

foi sincero

was motivated

foi motivada.

The beauty was, I was cutting in,

A beleza era que eu estava cortando de fora pra dentro

Mayuko was reading and Meg was painting.

Mayuko estava lendo e Meg estava pintando.

It was his notebook that was stolen.

O que roubaram foi o caderno dele.

- He was raving.
- He was talking nonsense.

Ele perdeu o juízo.

- I was at home.
- I was home.

Eu estava em casa.

- No one was late.
- Nobody was late.

Ninguém atrasou-se.

- It was Sunday yesterday.
- Yesterday was Sunday.

Ontem foi domingo.

The dress Mary was wearing was white.

O vestido que Maria estava usando era branco.

- Tom was in pain.
- Tom was hurting.

Tom estava com dor.

- I was deeply discouraged.
- I was discouraged.

Eu estava desanimado.

- That was an inconvenience.
- It was inconvenient.

Aquilo foi um inconveniente.

- I was flat broke.
- I was penniless.

Eu estava quebrado.

- Tom was home.
- Tom was at home.

Tom estava em casa.

- Tom was unconscious.
- Tom was out cold.

Tom estava inconsciente.

- Who was in charge?
- Who was responsible?

Quem era o encarregado?

- Tom was crying.
- Tom was crying out.

- Tom estava chorando.
- Tom estava a chorar.

I was convinced that he was guilty.

- Eu estava convencido de que ele era culpado.
- Eu estava convencida de que ele estava culpado.

- It was cold yesterday.
- Yesterday was cold.

Estava frio ontem.

I was right and Tom was wrong.

Eu estava certo e Tom estava errado.

- It was cloudy yesterday.
- Yesterday was cloudy.

- Ontem estava nublado.
- Estava nublado ontem.

She was poor, but she was honest.

Ela era pobre, porém honesta.

Was anybody here while I was out?

Alguém esteve aqui enquanto eu estava fora?

Tom was good, but Mary was better.

Tom era bom, mas Mary era melhor.