Translation of "Stumbled" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Stumbled" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

The kid stumbled and fell to his knees.


In early times, inventions were often stumbled upon by accident.

- 昔は偶然ぶつかったことが発明となった例が多い。
- 昔は、偶然見つけたり気付いたことが発明品となっていた。

The stout man leaped over the shallow ditch and stumbled.


Yesterday I stumbled across a copy of my father's family register.


River, he stumbled into disaster at Salamanca:  Marmont himself was an early casualty of the  

、彼はサラマンカで災害に遭遇しました。マーモント自身が 戦闘の 初期の犠牲者であり