Translation of "Vaccinated" in Hungarian

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Vaccinated" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

The nurse vaccinated me.

- Beoltott a nővér.
- Beadta nekem a vakcinát a nővér.

Are you already vaccinated?

- Megkaptad már az oltást?
- Be lettél már oltva?

I went to get vaccinated.

Elmentem beoltatni magam.

I was vaccinated against the flu.

Kaptam egy oltást influenza ellen.

Who are challenged with the virus after they are vaccinated,

olyan állatokon, amelyeket vírusnak tesznek ki oltás után,

So if nobody is vaccinated and there was one measles case,

Ha senki nincs beoltva, és van egy kanyarós esetünk,

- I had a flu shot.
- I was vaccinated against the flu.

Beoltottak influenza ellen.