Translation of "Who" in Hungarian

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Who" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- Who is who?
- Who's who?

Ki kicsoda?

Who loved who?

Ki kit szeretett?

Who loves who?

Ki kit szeret?

- Who spoke?
- Who talked?

Ki beszélt?

- Who quit?
- Who resigned?

Ki mondott le?



- Who has come?
- Who came?

Ki jött?

- Who said it?
- Said who?

Ki mondta ezt?

- Who knows that?
- Who knows?

Ki tudja ezt?

- Who was that?
- Who is that?
- Who was it?

Ki volt az?

- Who wrote it?
- Who wrote that?
- Who wrote this?

Ki írta ezt?

- Who wants it?
- Who wants that?

Kinek kell?

- Who wrote that?
- Who wrote this?

Ki írta ezt?

- Who found her?
- Who found them?

- Ki találta meg őt?
- Ki talált rá?

- Who loves war?
- Who likes war?

Ki szereti a háborút?

- Who found her?
- Who found him?

Ki találta meg?

- Who said that?
- Who said it?

Ki mondta ezt?

- Who was that?
- Who was it?

Ki volt az?

- Who is he?
- Who is it?
- Who's that?
- Who is that?

Ki ő?

Who cares?

- Kit érdekel?
- Ki foglalkozik vele!?

Who knows?

Én nem tudom.

Who ate?

Ki evett?

Who came?

Ki jött?

Who quit?

- Ki adta fel?
- Ki hagyta abba?
- Ki mondott fel?
- Ki lépett ki?

Who died?

Ki halt meg?

Who won?

Ki nyert?

Who farted?

- Ki fingott?
- Ki szellentett?

Who phoned?

Ki telefonált?

Says who?

Ki szerint?

Who? Me?

Ki? Én?

Who canceled?

Ki mondta vissza?

Who cheated?

Ki csalt?

Who cheered?

Ki éljenzett?

Who contributed?

Ki járult hozzá?

Who disagreed?

Ki nem értett egyet?

Who escaped?

Ki szökött meg?

Who fell?

Ki esett el?

Who intervened?

Ki avatkozott be?

Who listened?

- Ki figyelt?
- Ki figyelt oda?

Who panicked?

- Ki pánikolt be?
- Ki esett pánikba?

Who ran?

Ki futott?

Who responded?

Ki válaszolt?

Who stayed?

Ki maradt?

Who stood?

Ki állt?

Who stopped?

Ki állt meg?

Who succeeded?

- Kinek sikerült?
- Ki járt sikerrel?

Who surrendered?

Ki adta meg magát?

Who survived?

Ki élte túl?

Who swam?

Ki úszott?

Who vanished?

Ki tűnt el?

Who volunteered?

Ki jelentkezett önként?

Who yelled?

Ki kiáltott?

Who remembers?

Ki emlékszik?

Who complained?

Ki panaszkodott?

Who benefits?

Kinek használ?

Then who?

- Akkor ki?
- Hát ki?

Said who?

- Ki mondta?
- Ezt meg ki mondta?

Who cooked?

Ki főzött?

Who knows.

Ki tudja.

- Who would've thought?
- Who would have thought?

- Ki hitte volna!
- Ki gondolta volna!

- Who searches, finds.
- Those who search, find.

Aki keres, az talál.

- Who are you?
- Please, who are you?

Ki vagy?

- Who would've cared?
- Who would have cared?

Ki foglalkozott volna vele?

- Who are you?
- Who are you all?

Kik vagytok?

- Who is that lady?
- Who is this lady?
- Who is this woman?

Ki az a hölgy?

- Who are these people?
- Who are those people?
- Who are those men?

Kik ezek az emberek?

- Who is your father?
- Who is his father?
- Who is her father?

Ki az apja?

- Who am I talking with?
- Who is she?
- Who is he?
- Who is it?
- Who's that?
- Who is that?
- Who's he?
- Who's she?

- Ki ő?
- Ki az?
- Ő ki?

- Who wrote these two letters?
- Who was it who wrote these two letters?
- Who wrote the two letters?

Ki írta ezt a két levelet?

- Who allowed him in?
- Who allowed her in?

Ki engedte őt be?

- Who are they?
- Who is she?
- Who's she?

Ő kicsoda?

- Who is Pedro?
- Who's Peter?
- Who is Peter?

- Péter kicsoda?
- Ki az a Péter?
- Péter meg ki?

- Who called the police?
- Who called the cops?

Ki hívta a rendőröket?

- Who is that man?
- Who is this man?

Ki ez a férfi?

- Who wrote this book?
- Who wrote that book?

Ki írta ezt a könyvet?

- Who did you meet?
- Who did you see?

Kivel találkozott?