Translation of "Janus" in French

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Janus" in a sentence and their french translations:

"Then wars shall cease and savage times grow mild, / and Remus and Quirinus, brethren twain, / with hoary Faith and Vesta undefiled, / shall give the law. With iron bolt and chain / firm-closed the gates of Janus shall remain. / Within, the Fiend of Discord, high reclined / on horrid arms, unheeded in the fane, / bound with a hundred brazen knots behind, / and grim with gory jaws, his grisly teeth shall grind."

" De cent verrous d'airain les robustes barrières / refermeront de Mars les portes meurtrières ; / la Discorde au dedans, fille affreuse d'enfer, / hideuse, y rougira sous cent cables de fer, / et, sur l'amas rouillé des lances inhumaines, / de sa bouche sanglante en vain mordra ses chaînes. "