Translation of "Calificados" in English

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Examples of using "Calificados" in a sentence and their english translations:

Seres humanos sanos, productivos y calificados.

skilled, healthy and productive human beings.

Y cuán calificados están sus visitantes,

and how qualified their visitors are,

Maestros no calificados que han salido mal

unskilled teachers who have gone bad

Casi 90 y algo por ciento no están calificados.

Almost 90-something percent are not qualified.

De mis 29 potenciales calificados, solo 15 respondieron mi mensaje,

Of my 29 qualified leads, only 15 replied to my message,

En los principios amorosos los desengaños prestos suelen ser remedios calificados.

In the principles of love, quick disappointments are usually described as remedies.

Comentó que podía pensar en otros mariscales mejor calificados. Pero dio su

remarking that he could think of other Marshals  who were better qualified. But he did give his