Translation of "Desenrola" in English

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Examples of using "Desenrola" in a sentence and their english translations:

À medida que a trama se desenrola, o mistério se torna claro.

As the plot unfolds, the mystery becomes clearer.

Qual a serpente que de plantas venenosas / empachada passou todo o inverno enterrada / e agora volta à luz do dia em nova pele, / e, rejuvenescida, as lisas roscas / desenrola, a cabeça erguendo ao sol, / enquanto a língua trífida dardeja.

As when a snake, that through the winter's cold / lay swoln and hidden in the ground from sight, / gorged with rank herbs, forth issues to the light, / and sleek with shining youth and newly drest, / wreathing its slippery volumes, towers upright / and, glorying, to the sunbeam rears its breast, / and darts a three-forked tongue, and points a flaming crest.

As pessoas se preocupam muito mais com a eternidade depois de suas mortes do que com a eternidade que aconteceu antes delas nascerem. Porem, é a mesma quantidade infinita que se desenrola em todas as direções a partir de onde nós estamos.

People worry a lot more about the eternity after their deaths than the eternity that happened before they were born. But it’s the same amount of infinity, rolling out in all directions from where we stand.