Translation of "Anteu" in English

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Examples of using "Anteu" in a sentence and their english translations:

Sobe, entrementes, / Eneias a um penhasco e fica olhando / toda a extensão do mar em derredor, / buscando em qualquer parte divisar / sinal de Anteu, batido pelo vento, / ou das birremes frígias, ou de Cápis, / de alguma nau que ostente o escudo de Caíco.

While up the crag AEneas climbs, to gain / full prospect far and wide, and scan the distant main. / If aught of Phrygian biremes he discern / Antheus or Capys, tost upon the seas, / or arms of brave Caicus high astern.

Estava a soberana ali ditando leis, / ministrando a justiça e repartindo / com critério e equidade encargos e tarefas, / ou mediante sorteio os atribuindo, / quando súbito Eneias vê chegando, / em meio a muita gente, Anteu, Sergesto, / o intrépido Cloanto e outros troianos / que um negro turbilhão dispersara no mar / e para longes costas arrastara.

There, ministering justice, she presides, / and deals the law, and from her throne of state, / as choice determines or as chance decides, / to each, in equal share, his separate task divides. / Sudden, behold a concourse. Looking down, / his late-lost friends AEneas sees again, / Segestus, brave Cloanthus of renown, / Antheus and others of the Trojan train, / whom the black squall had scattered o'er the main, / and driven afar upon an alien strand.