Translation of "Submerger" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Submerger" in a sentence and their english translations:

On peut se faire submerger par la vérité.

The truth can be overwhelming.

Son plan était d'utiliser sa cavalerie supérieure submerger les flancs byzantins

His plan was to utilize his superior cavalry to overwhelm the Byzantine flanks

Les grandes eaux ne pourront éteindre l'amour, ni les fleuves le submerger.

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.

Tom était sans conteste l'élève le plus intelligent de toute l'école, mais chaque fois que le professeur lui posait une question à laquelle il n'était pas préparé, il se laissait submerger par la nervosité à tel point que, aussitôt qu'il ouvrait la bouche, il en sortait quelque chose d'absolument incompréhensible.

Tom was undoubtedly the most intelligent student in the entire school, but whenever the teacher asked him a question for which he was not prepared, he was filled with such nervousness that he would become confused, and something utterly incomprehensible would issue from his mouth as soon as he opened it.