Translation of "Spun" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Spun" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

I had spun deeper and deeper.

eu tinha mergulhado cada vez mais fundo.

And within there, they spun up Twitter.

E com isso, eles criaram o Twitter.

The spider spun her delicate web in the garden.

A aranha teceu sua delicada teia no jardim.

Imagining herself alone and unwatched, Mary picked up the present and shook it carefully. "Curious, are we?" Hearing Tom speak suddenly behind her, she spun round in alarm. "Patience, my dear!" He was grinning from ear to ear.

Acreditando estar sozinha e que ninguém a observava, Maria pegou o presente e o sacudiu com muito cuidado. "Curiosa, hem!" ouviu ela de repente Tom dizer às suas costas e se virou, assustada. "Você terá de ser paciente, meu amor!" O sorriso dele ia de uma orelha à outra.

- But she had heard that an offspring, led by Trojan blood, would one day overturn the Tyrian citadels; from this would come a nation ruling widely and proud in war, for the destruction of Libya: thus the Fates spun out their destiny.
- But she had heard, how men of Trojan seed / those Tyrian towers should level, how again / from these in time a nation should proceed, / wide-ruling, tyrannous in war, the bane / (so Fate was working) of the Libyan reign.

Ela ouvira, porém, dizer que havia / de sair do troiano sangue, um dia, / uma raça que as tírias cidadelas / lançaria por terra; que daquela / semente, um povo com domínio extenso, / e glorioso na guerra, marcharia / para a Líbia arruinar; que tal destino / com roca e fuso as Parcas já fiavam.