Translation of "Trail" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Trail" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

To even a beautiful, new shoreline trail.


The car left a trail of dust.


The typhoon left behind a trail of destruction.


And as I went down this trail of thought,


I saw the white trail of his frozen breath.


Body was slightly hunched forward and was following the scent trail.

‎前傾姿勢で ‎においをたどっている

The following year I did a trail ride in the Canadian Rockies.

翌年にはカナディアンロッキーでの トレイルライドをやり遂げました

It's often a good idea just to mark your trail as well.

自分の来た道のあとを 付けるのはいいアイデアだ

Look, you can see here, this where I marked my trail earlier.


The comet leaves a trail of light behind it as it moves.


The trail ahead is gonna be full of challenging obstacles, requiring tough decisions.

困難(こんなん)な障害物(しょうがいぶつ)はたくさんある 決断(けつだん)を迫(せま)られるぞ

And then look, just sprinkle this as I go, and that's gonna mark my trail.

ほらね 進みながらまけば目印になる