Translation of "Noun" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Noun" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

This type of noun phrase is called a "concealed question".

このような名詞句を隠れ疑問文(concealed question)といいます。

It's OK to think of 'five minutes' as a noun phrase, right?

「five minutes」って名詞句でいいんですよね?

'-osity' is an abstract noun word ending created from the ending of an '-ous' adjective.


Sometimes a verb is derived from a noun and sometimes it is the other way around.


In English there are eight main parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and finally interjection.

英語には8つの主な品詞があります: 名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞、代名詞、前置詞、接続詞そして感嘆詞。

Accordingly, besides noun declension patterns, there also existed a greater variety of verb conjugation patterns than in Modern English.
