Translation of "Ensured" in Japanese

0.046 sec.

Examples of using "Ensured" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Her calm judgement ensured us from accidents.


In the fast-moving campaign of 1805,  Berthier’s system ensured Napoleon  


Despite the limitations of his demoralised conscripts, he ensured Wellington’s army

彼の意気消沈した徴兵制の制限にもかかわらず、彼 は、

ensured his troops pulled back across the river in good order.


And methodical, house-by-house approach  ensured ultimate victory… at a high price.

と整然とした家 ごとの アプローチは、高額で究極の勝利を確実にしました。

ensured he was elected captain of his  company. His skill at drawing enemy  

は、彼が彼の会社のキャプテンに選ばれることを確実にしました。敵の 位置

Later accepting that he must abdicate, Davout  ensured Napoleon’s safe passage to the coast,  

Later accepting that he must abdicate, Davout ensured Napoleon's safe passage to the coast,

Height, curly locks and love of women ensured  fame as France’s foremost “beau sabreur”.


It was during the retreat from Moscow that Ney ensured his place among the legends of

軍事史の 伝説の中で彼の地位を確保したのは、モスクワからの撤退の際でした