Translation of "Community" in Japanese

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Community" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Its community is thriving.


Are belonging and community.


Even fascists seek community,

ファシストでさえ コミュニティを探し求めていました

Lacking jobs, community being destroyed,

仕事不足 コミュニティの崩壊

Now, to the autistic community,


All sorts of community services,


That will benefit the community.


And a community that supports you.

コミュニティが 支えてくれます

And being part of this community?


The students volunteered for community service.


We must think about the community.


The town is an industrial community.


He was actuated by community spirit.


Approximately how large is the community?


About 200 outpatients from the outside community,


It's helped me build support and community

そうすることで サポ―トやコミュニティを作り

We need to be in that community.


We partnered with the local community college,

地元のコミュニティカレッジと 協力して

If you are right with your community,


A particular community that manages that resource;

そしてその資源を管理する 特定のコミュニティ

To me that's more community than storytelling.

ストーリーテリングというより 体験の共有に思えます

The community is made up of individuals.


Do you belong to an internet community?

- 君はどこかのネットコミュニティに属しているの?
- 君はどこかのインターネットコミュニティに属しているの?

Benefits accrue to the community from reconstruction.


From your parents, your grandparents, your community,

両親、祖父母、コミュニティから 受け継ぎ

In our schools, in our community centers,


It belongs to our parents and their community.

親やムスリムコミュニティーの 所有物なのです

I saw those tragedies shake our entire community,


And I started working with my home community


You come into this kind of community port.

港周辺にはこのような コミュニティがあり

The new anti-CEO playbook is about community.

反CEO戦術論は コミュニティを重視します

A community hall is created for 10 days.

10日の間 公民館が設置されます

There was a community meeting in this neighborhood.

この地域のコミュニティーミーティングが 開催されました

Places for businesses, places for community gatherings, etc.

事業に使われたり コミュニティの集会所に使われてきました

There is a community of thought between them.


The community will benefit from the new industry.


Do you take part in any community activities?


We start to think that the entire community

そうすると こんな風に考えるようになります

He contributed to the good of the community.


But not only myself, the others in my community.

自分だけではなく 地域の他の人に 尽くすことも教えてくれます

In many cases, hip-hop has failed its community,

ヒップホップが内輪の人々を 見捨てたとも言えますが

What have you learned about your community on Twitch?

Twitchの君のコミュニティで 学んだことを 教えてくれないかな

We must pursue these goals as a global community.

国際コミュニティーとして ゴールの達成を目指さなくてはなりません

They tried to sell all of their community gardens,

あらゆるコミュニティガーデンが 売却されようとした時

A lot of these community institutions fell into disrepair.

コミュニティ施設の多くは 荒廃が進みました

She did it for the good of the community.


He did it for the good of the community.


He passes for a learned man in our community.

- 彼は私達の会社では学者として通っている。
- 彼は私たちの地域社会では博学の人で通っている。
- 彼は私たちの社会では学者として通っている。

He passed for a learned man in our community.


Conformity is an essential element of our homogeneous community.

- 同じような人々からなる私たちの地域社会では、体裁に従おうとする意識は不可欠な要素である。
- 体制に従おうとする意識は、この単一民族社会の本質的な要素である。

The community scheme has run up against local opposition.


The individual is the fundamental element of a community.


Who’s had enough exposure to a normal verbal community

正常発達の12ヶ月の赤ちゃんに このことを教えたとして

In teaching us just how essential community is in education.

どれだけコミュニティが教育に必要不可欠か 伝えるのにとても強力な手段です

Says this war would not only shape the urban community,

この戦争が都市コミュニティを 形作っただけでなく

The unemployment rate in the urban community skyrocketed to 21%.

都市コミュニティの失業率が 21%にまで跳ね上がったのです

So when the music was indigenous to its own community,

つまり 自らのコミュニティに 土着の音楽だった頃は

The other 142 progeria kids, and the whole progeria community.

プロジェリアの患者全員のために 状況を改善できればと願っており

Cohh: So this is my community; this is the Cohhilition.

(コー) これは Cohhilition という 僕のコミュニティで

But eventually, she was able to go to community college,

しかし彼女はコミュニティカレッジに 進学する事ができ

He worked for weeks in behalf of the community chest.


And I'm also working with other ballet teachers within their community

私は地元で活動する 他のバレエの先生たちと一緒に働き

They are out there as community builders all around the country.

彼らはコミュニティを作る者として 全国あちこちにいるからです

I said, "Well, in that case, starting with a faith community

「そうすると 信仰の集まりから始めるのは

They've now developed a new app to help the whole community.

彼らはコミュニティ全体を支援する 新しいアプリを開発しました

The status of a doctor is very high in this community.


I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool.


My friends and I are volunteering at the community center this weekend.


The international community is issuing warnings regarding the nuclear threat in Japan.


You see, as a teacher, I know my role is to build community.

教師として 私の役割は コミュニティを築くことです

So yeah, in the world outside my community Ronald Reagan was a hero,

だから 私のコミュニティの外では ロナルド・レーガンは英雄でしたが

They wanna live as a community up in the branches, away from predators.

枝の上で暮(く)らし― 捕食動物(ほしょくどうぶつ)をさけてる

Man lives in a community, and has to conform to a social pattern.


It is high time Japan played an important role in the international community.


Tom is well-informed about the circumstances present within the Indian agricultural community.


However, only the human community has verbal languages as a means of communication.


Rosa Parks was arrested, and the black community of Montgomery was shocked and angry.


- He contributed to the good of the community.
- He contributed to the common good.


It is not unreasonable to think that these people were excluded from the community.


- Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
- Bison from Buffalo, New York who are intimidated by other bison in their community also happen to intimidate other bison in their community.


Note that the impetus for change has undergone a series of transformations in this community.


All social animals use some methods of communication to exchange information and to maintain an orderly community.


No one of us can cut himself off from the body of the community to which he belongs.


The claim of community involvement is just window dressing; City Hall will do what it wants to anyhow.


Every person in this community is like a cell in the immune system of a healthy human body.


- If you are a member of a primitive community and you wish to produce, say, food, there are two things that you must do.
- If you are a member of a primitive community and wish to produce food, for example, there are two things you must do.


The restraining role that the community once played is losing its force as adults become reluctant to reprimand other people's unruly children.


If you are a member of a primitive community and you wish to produce, say, food, there are two things that you must do.
