Translation of "Belonging" in Japanese

0.076 sec.

Examples of using "Belonging" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Are belonging and community.


And not belonging to anyone.


My inherent sense of safety and belonging,

安全や 家族との親密な関係といった 本来あるべき感覚が

Significance, heroism, a sense of belonging and purpose,

重要感 英雄感 連帯感や目的だけでなく

belonging to one of the night's supreme predators.

‎使い手は ‎腕の立つ夜のハンター

And I call all this the politics of belonging.

私はこれらをまとめて 帰属の政治と呼んでいます

We regarded the document as belonging to her brother.


That feeds on our fear of not belonging to a group

このグループに所属していないという 恐怖心につけ込んで

In fact, you can see a lot of politics as being a search for belonging.

実際 政治とは多くの局面で 帰属を探し求める過程と見なせます

A German state belonging to the Hanoverian kings  of Britain, with whom France was once more at war.


The Japanese Dentists Association affair is an incident concerning secret donations from the Japanese Dentists Association to Diet members belonging to the LDP.
