Translation of "Prostrate" in French

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Prostrate" in a sentence and their french translations:

A riddle: What is a village in which some are prostrate on their stomach, others on their back? Answer: Kabyle tiles.

Dans une devinette: le village de prostrés, qui à plat-ventre, qui sur le dos; ce sont les tuiles kabyles.

Scarce spake I, suddenly the bays divine / shook, and a trembling seized the temple door. / The mountain heaves, and from the opening shrine / loud moans the tripod. Prostrate on the floor / we her a voice:

Je dis : et tout à coup je sens de l'immortel / s'agiter le laurier, et le temple, et l'autel. / Le mont tremble ; chacun vers la terre s'incline, / et ces mots sont sortis de l'enceinte divine :

At his heels, aflame / with rage, comes Pyrrhus. Lo, in act to aim, / now, now, he clutches him, – a moment more, / e'en as before his parent's eyes he came, / the long spear reached him. Prostrate on the floor / down falls the hapless youth, and welters in his gore.

Pyrrhus le suit ; déjà, tout bouillant de furie, / il le presse, il le touche, il l'atteint de son dard : / enfin au saint autel, asile du vieillard, / son fils court éperdu, tend les bras à son pére, / hélas ! et dans son sang tombe aux pieds de sa mère.