Translation of "Legionaries" in French

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Examples of using "Legionaries" in a sentence and their french translations:

While another 5,000 were heavy infantry mercenaries, similar to the old Roman legionaries.

tandis que 5000 autres étaient de l'infanterie lourde mercenaires, semblables aux anciens légionnaires romains.

legionaries - effectively enabling each Roman ship crew to fight off two Carthaginian ships.

legionaries - effectively enabling each Roman ship crew to fight off two Carthaginian ships.

Caesar’s legionaries were crushed and squeezed through the choke points from which they came.

Les légionnaires de César ont été écrasés et pressés par les points d'étranglement d'où ils venaient.

But the Roman dictator stationed 4,000 legionaries on higher ground that would block the pass

Mais le dictateur romain a stationné 4000 légionnaires sur un terrain plus élevé qui bloquerait le col

On a level ground and offered Pompey battle, being careful to advance his legionaries just

sur un terrain plat et a offert la bataille de Pompée, en prenant soin de faire avancer ses légionnaires juste

The first legionaries who fell down a 10 feet high ditch were trampled to death and the

Les premiers légionnaires tombés dans un fossé de 10 pieds de haut ont été piétinés à mort et

Pompey would not stay to share the fate of his legionaries and he fled towards the camp,

Pompée ne resta pas pour partager le sort de ses légionnaires et il s'enfuit vers le camp,