Translation of "Contingents" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Contingents" in a sentence and their french translations:

Army contingents and garrisons.

de contingents armés ottomans et de garnisons.

Cavalry contingents were supporting each of the four divisions of infantry.

Des contingents de cavalerie soutenaient chacune des quatre divisions d'infanterie.

Another possibility is that the two Vlahian contingents couldn't effectively coordinate

Une autre possibilité est que les deux contingents valaques ne pouvaient pas coordonner efficacement

Having suffered heavy losses, some of the contingents held their ground,

Ayant subi de lourdes pertes, certains des les contingents ont tenu bon,

Aside from contingents of Cossacks and Szekely mercenaries, Wallachian troops are poorly equipped.

Mis à part les contingents de Cosaques et de Szekely mercenaires, les troupes de Valachie sont mal équipées.

Begins rebuilding his army by recruiting new contingents of Gallic troops from the

Commence à reconstruire son armée en recrutant de nouveaux contingents de troupes gauloises

With some of the Sassanian contingents in the front continuing to hack their way forward,

avec certains des contingents sassanides au front continuant à se frayer un chemin,

As both contingents begin closing the distance, Hannibal sees that the Roman cavalry is fewer

Alors que les deux contingents commencent à réduire la distance, Hannibal constate que la cavalerie romaine est moins nombreuse