Translation of "Held" in French

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Held" in a sentence and their french translations:

Competitions were held

des concours ont eu lieu

They held hands.

- Ils se tenaient les mains.
- Elles se tenaient les mains.

- He held his feelings back.
- He held back his feelings.

Il refoulait ses sentiments.

Well, that held. Okay.

Ça a tenu. Bon.

Well, that held. Whoo!

Ça a tenu.

She held her breath.

Elle retint son souffle.

You'll be held responsible.

Tu seras tenu responsable.

Everybody held their breath.

Tout le monde retint son souffle.

I'm being held hostage.

- Je suis retenu en otage.
- Je suis retenue en otage.

She held a rope.

- Elle tenait une corde.
- Elle tint une corde.

We held hands, once.

Nous nous sommes tenus la main, une fois.

I held his sleeve.

Je l'ai tenu par la manche.

He held her tightly.

- Il la tint fermement.
- Il l'a fermement tenue.

He held his breath.

Il a retenu son souffle.

Tom held his breath.

Tom retint son souffle.

- He held the trophy up high.
- He held the trophy on high.

Il brandit bien haut le trophée.

The meeting was held here.

- La réunion se tenait là.
- La réunion se tenait ici.
- La réunion s'est tenue là.
- La réunion s'est tenue ici.

The meeting is held annually.

Le meeting se tient annuellement.

She held up her head.

Elle leva la tête.

He held out his hand.

Il tendit la main.

He held up his hands.

Il avait les mains en l'air.

He was held in captivity.

Il était retenu en captivité.

We held a pleasant conversation.

Nous avons tenu une conversation agréable.

Where is Tom being held?

Où Tom est-il détenu ?

Tom is being held prisoner.

Tom est emprisonné.

Where was the wedding held?

Où a eu lieu le mariage ?

I can't be held responsible.

Je ne peux pas être tenu responsable.

Tom and Mary held hands.

Tom et Mary se donnèrent la main.

Tom will be held accountable.

Tom sera tenu responsable.

Tom must be held accountable.

Tom doit être tenu responsable.

held forth with my own ideas

si je m'étais accroché à mes idées,

I held fast to his hand.

Je me suis agrippé à sa main.

Tom held a seat for me.

Tom a gardé une place pour moi.

When will the concert be held?

Quand le concert aura-t-il lieu ?

I held the umbrella over her.

Je lui tenais le parapluie.

I held my breath and waited.

Je retins ma respiration et attendis.

Rio's carnival is held in February.

Le carnaval de Rio a lieu en février.

They held firm to their convictions.

Ils s'accrochèrent fermement à leurs convictions.

Tom is being held prisoner somewhere.

Tom est retenu prisonnier quelque part.

The police held back the protesters.

La police a contenu les manifestants.

He held the trophy up high.

Il brandit bien haut le trophée.

Tom held Mary in his arms.

- Tom a tenu Mary dans ses bras.
- Tom tint Mary dans ses bras.

The police held him in custody.

La police l'a détenu.

He held the trophy on high.

Il brandit bien haut le trophée.

The meeting will be held tomorrow.

- La réunion aura lieu demain.
- La réunion est demain.

The American troops held their ground.

- Les troupes américaines ont maintenu leurs positions.
- Les troupes américaines ont tenu bon.

She held him by the sleeve.

- Elle le tint par la manche.
- Elle l'a tenu par la manche.

The market is held every Monday.

Le marché se tient tous les lundis.

- Tom held open the car door for Mary.
- Tom held the car door open for Mary.

Tom a tenu la porte de la voiture ouverte pour Marie.

held an office as city district councilor.

occupé un poste de conseiller municipal du district.

A dance will be held on Friday.

On dansera ce vendredi.

The meeting is held twice a month.

La réunion se tient deux fois par mois.

The medical congress was held in Kyoto.

Le congrès médical s'est tenu a Kyoto.

She held her baby in her arms.

Elle tenait son bébé dans les bras.

She held the child to her bosom.

Elle a serré l'enfant contre sa poitrine.

He held on to my hand tightly.

Il tint fermement ma main.

He held out his hand to me.

Il me tendit la main.

He held a pen in his hands.

- Il avait un stylo dans les mains.
- Il tenait un stylo dans ses mains.

He held on firmly to the branch.

Il s'est tenu fermement à la branche.