Translation of "Refugios" in English

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Examples of using "Refugios" in a sentence and their english translations:

La gente inventó refugios para protegerse a si mismos.

People devised shelters in order to protect themselves.

Puede salvarnos. Sirve para cavar refugios o si hay avalancha.

It can really save you. Not only for digging shelters, but also for avalanches.

A partir de ahí empezamos a ir a refugios y cárceles

And that's when we started doing homeless shelters and prisons

La arquitectura es el arte de hacer refugios para los seres humanos.

Architecture is the art of making shelter for human beings.

El aumento del nivel del mar, junto con la brusca tormenta, continuará aumentando el riesgo de impactos costeros importantes en la infraestructura de transporte, incluyendo inundaciones temporales y permanentes de aeropuertos, puertos y refugios, carreteras, líneas ferroviarias, túneles y puentes.

Sea level rise, coupled with storm surge, will continue to increase the risk of major coastal impacts on transportation infrastructure, including both temporary and permanent flooding of airports, ports and harbors, roads, rail lines, tunnels, and bridges.