Translation of "Avalancha" in English

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Examples of using "Avalancha" in a sentence and their english translations:



Por una avalancha de información

Faced by an avalanche of information

Empiezan a formar una avalancha.

they begin to snowball into each other into a kind of ideas avalanche.

El murió en la avalancha.

He was killed in the avalanche.

Tom murió en la avalancha.

Tom was killed in the avalanche.

Una avalancha obstaculizó la carretera.

A snowslide obstructed the road.

Puede salvarnos. Sirve para cavar refugios o si hay avalancha.

It can really save you. Not only for digging shelters, but also for avalanches.

Y me dijo que en alemán "avalancha" se dice "Lawine".

And he told me that the German word for "avalanche" was "Lawine".

Apenas te contactes con tus amigos, diles que viene una avalancha.

As soon as you contact your friends, tell them that an avalanche is coming.

- Quedó sepultado por un alud.
- Quedó sepultado por una avalancha de nieve.

The gravedigger was left by an avalanche.