Translation of "Partir" in English

0.046 sec.

Examples of using "Partir" in a sentence and their english translations:

Déjame partir ahora.

let me split now.

Tienes que partir.

- You have to go.
- You must go.
- You have to leave.

Estoy listo para partir.

- I'm all set to start.
- I'm ready to leave.
- I'm ready to depart.

Ellos están por partir.

- They are about to start.
- They're about to leave.

¿Estás listo para partir?

- Are you ready to set off?
- Are you ready to start?
- Are you ready to begin?

Estamos listos para partir.

- We're ready to leave.
- We're ready to go.

Tenemos que partir inmediatamente.

We must leave here at once.

Mañana deberé partir antes.

Tomorrow I must leave earlier.

Mañana debo partir temprano.

Tomorrow I must leave earlier.

Hemos acordado partir temprano.

- We are agreed that we start early.
- We all agree that we should leave early.

Era hora de partir.

It was time to leave.

Es hora de partir.

It's time to go now.

Ellos acaban de partir.

They've just left.

Deberías partir en seguida.

You had better set off at once.

Tenemos que partir enseguida.

We need to leave immediately.

El bus acaba de partir.

- The bus has just left.
- The bus has just gone.

¿Estarás listo para partir mañana?

Will you be ready to leave tomorrow?

Steve Jobs a partir de cero

Steve Jobs starting from scratch

El mal clima me impidió partir.

Bad weather prevented me from setting out.

Hacemos mantequilla a partir de leche.

We make butter from milk.

Ella está a punto de partir.

She is about to leave.

Nada surge a partir de nada.

Nothing can come of nothing.

¿Qué concluyes a partir de eso?

What do you conclude from that?

Todos concordamos que debemos partir temprano.

We all agree that we should leave early.

- Les vimos irse.
- Los vimos partir.

We saw them leave.

¿A partir de cuándo lo necesitas?

When will you need it?

¡A partir de mañana se ahorra!

Savings start tomorrow!

El mal tiempo me impide partir.

The bad weather's preventing me from leaving.

- ¿A que hora planeas partir hacia Londres?
- ¿A qué hora tiene planeado partir hacia Londres?

What time are you going to leave for London?

Palabras: "Seamos amigos a partir de ahora ...

words, “Let us be friends from now…

Se más prudente a partir de ahora.

You need to be more careful from now on.

A partir de ahora podré dormir tranquilamente.

As of now I'll be able to sleep peacefully.

A partir de hoy no fumaré más.

I won't smoke from today on.

Tenemos previsto partir hacia Hawái esta noche.

We are leaving for Hawaii tonight.

Deberías partir tan pronto como sea posible.

- You should set off as soon as possible.
- You should start out as soon as you can.

A partir de aquí nuestras opiniones difieren.

- It is on this point that our opinions differ.
- It's on this point that our opinions differ.

Entonces, ¿qué haremos a partir de ahora?

So what happens then?

Pero literalmente años a partir de ahora.

but literally years from now.

A partir de ahí, quieres descomponer todo

From there, you wanna break down all

A partir de ahí, estás diciendo, genial,

From there, you're saying, cool,

Y luego crecí a partir de ahí.

And then I grew from there.

Escribir la ciudad y partir de allí.

that city and start looking from there.

Se aprende la gramática a partir de la lengua, no la lengua a partir de la gramática.

One learns grammar from language, not language from grammar.

- A mí me gustaría verte antes de partir a Europa.
- Me gustaría verla antes de partir a Europa.

- I'd like to see you before I leave for Europe.
- I would like to see you before leaving for Europe.

A partir de la cual tiramos la toalla.

from which we throw in the towel.

Y a partir de ahí, empiezan a fallar.

And you start to drag all the way down here.

Y a partir de allí, grandes cosas suceden.

Then great things follow.

A partir de mi preocupación por nuestro ambiente.

born from my concern for our environment.

A partir de hoy, tiene una certeza terrible:

As of today, you have a terrible certainty:

Porque todo se reconstruye a partir del pasado.

because everything is reconstructed from the past.

El queso se hace a partir de leche.

Cheese is made from milk.

El pan se hace a partir de harina.

Bread is made from flour.

A partir de aquel día, empezaron a amarse.

From that time on, they came to love each other.

Al día siguiente, Jesús decidió partir a Galilea.

The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee.

Él tiene decidido partir mañana por la tarde.

He is going to leave tomorrow afternoon.

Él sacó conclusiones a partir de esa investigación.

He drew his conclusions based on that survey.

El camino asciende gentilmente a partir de aquí.

The road ascends gently here.

Me gustaría verla antes de partir a Europa.

I would like to see you before leaving for Europe.

- Estoy preparado para irme.
- Estoy listo para partir.

I'm ready to leave.

El vidrio se hace a partir de arena.

Glass is made from sand.

A partir de la próxima semana comeré menos.

As of next week I am eating less.

- Estamos listos para partir.
- Estamos listos para irnos.

- We're ready to leave.
- We're ready to go.

Estoy a punto de partir hacia la estación.

- I'm just about to set off for the station.
- I'm just about to head off to the station.

Tom quería ver a Mary antes de partir.

Tom wanted to see Mary before she left.

Esta estación permanecerá cerrada a partir de mañana.

That station will be retired as of tomorrow.

A partir de este momento está prohibido llorar.

From this moment on it is forbidden to cry.

Que dedujo automáticamente a partir de esos datos.

that it automatically deduced from the data.