Translation of "Pudieran" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Pudieran" in a sentence and their english translations:

Y pudieran entrar a tomar.

and get into the bar.

Si pudieran elegir el suyo,

If you could choose yours,

Si pudieran apagar las luces

If you'll just have the lights off

Para ver si pudieran funcionar.

to see if they can work.

Temían que pudieran ser deportados.

- They were afraid that they might be deported.
- They were afraid they might be deported.

Para que los vecinos pudieran reunirse

for the neighbors to gather

pudieran recordar más palabras al verlas,

would be able to recall more words when they saw them.

No creían que pudieran tener éxito

They didn't believe they could be successful

Desearía que pudieran hacer algo juntos

I wish they could do something together

Desearía que pudieran cambiarla como yo".

I wish they would or could change like me."

Los primeros extraterrestres pudieran ser simples bacterias.

First extraterrestrials could be simple bacteria.

Ni de ningún factor que pudieran aislar.

or any other factor they could isolate.

Hablé despacio para que ellos pudieran entenderme.

- I spoke slowly so that they might understand me.
- I spoke slowly so that they could understand me.

Para que no les pudieran tachar de

so they could not delete them

Ellos fueron asesinados antes de que pudieran verla.

They were killed before they could even see this.

No es que ellas pudieran leer el tono,

Not that they could read the pitch,

No pudieran llevar su cámara o su teléfono?

you couldn't bring your camera or phone?

Si pudieran adquirir nuevo conocimiento, rápido y procesos

if you could take new knowledge, facts, processes,

Se pudieran reunir con la fuerza mamluk principal.

could re-join the main Mamluk force.

Para que pudieran mejorar su capacidad de liderazgo

so that they can improve their leadership skills

Para que los otros vecinos pudieran comprar esos papelitos.

so that other people could buy their little papers.

Porque no pensaban que pudieran conseguir lo que querían,

because they didn’t think they could get what they wanted,

Anduvo lentamente de forma que los niños pudieran seguirlo.

- He walked slowly for the child to follow.
- He walked slowly so the child could follow.
- He walked slowly so the children would be able to follow.

Cerré la puerta para que ellos no pudieran oírnos.

I shut the door so that they couldn't hear us.

Ella no pensaba que sus sueños pudieran hacerse realidad.

She never thought her dreams would come true.

Si pudieran revisar mi gramática, en serio lo agradecería.

If you could check my grammar, I'd really appreciate that.

Para que pudieran encontrar la luz al final del túnel.

so that they could find their light at the end of the tunnel.

Y que pudieran exigir justicia en los departamentos de policía.

so they could demand justice from the police departments.

Se quitó el casco para que sus soldados pudieran reconocerlo.

He took off his helmet so that his soldiers could recognize him.

Ordenó una retirada inmediata para que sus legiones pudieran reagruparse.

ordered an immediate withdrawal so that his legions would be able to regroup.

La constitución fue enmendada para que las mujeres pudieran votar.

The constitution was amended so that women could vote.

Antes de que los bomberos pudieran llegar, ambos edificios se quemaron.

Before the firemen were able to arrive, both buildings burned down.

Si tuvieras autodeterminación en Cataluña, y pudieran marcharse de España, eso crearía

If you had self-determination in Catalonia, and they could leave Spain, that would create

Legionarios que quedaban tendrían que reparar las naves salvables con lo que pudieran

remaining legionaries would have to repair the salvageable ships with what they could

Otra posibilidad es que los dos contingentes vlahianos no pudieran coordinar el ataque

Another possibility is that the two Vlahian contingents couldn't effectively coordinate

Por primera vez, parecía posible que pudieran alcanzar el objetivo del presidente Kennedy y

For the first time it seemed possible they might meet President Kennedy’s goal, and

¡Si tan solo los árboles pudieran hablar, y no solo susurrar todo el tiempo!

Would that the trees might wish to speak, instead of only making noise all the time.

Si pudieran comer en un restaurante todas las noches, ellos lo harían. Detestan cocinar.

If they could eat in a restaurant every night, they would. They hate cooking.

Estaba decidido a atacar primero, antes de que los aliados pudieran unir fuerzas, y ordenó a

He was determined to strike first, before the Allies could join forces, and ordered

Creo brechas en su estructura, y aquellos que pudieran levantarse a través de ellas eran los más fuertes

created gaps in its' structure, and those who could rise through them were the strongest

Entonces, si los astronautas no pudieran volver a atracar con el Módulo de Comando después de su vuelo de prueba,

So if the astronauts couldn’t re-dock with the Command Module after their test flight,

El ángel de Dios, que iba delante del ejército de Israel, se desplazó y pasó a su retaguarda. La columna de nube, que iba delante de ellos, se desplazó y se colocó detrás, metiéndose entre el campamento de los egipcios y el campamento de los israelitas. La nube era tenebrosa y transcurrió la noche sin que pudieran acercarse unos a otros en toda la noche.

And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removing, went behind them: and together with him the pillar of the cloud, leaving the forepart, stood behind, between the Egyptians' camp and the camp of Israel: and it was a dark cloud, and enlightening the night, so that they could not come at one another all the night.