Translation of "Suyo" in English

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Suyo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Es suyo.

It's his.

¿Es suyo?

Is it yours?

¿Buscamos el suyo?

Should we find yours?

Es suyo, ¿verdad?

It is hers, is it not?

Es asunto suyo.

That's his business.

- Esto no es asunto suyo.
- No es asunto suyo.

It is not his business.

- A cada uno lo suyo.
- A cada uno, lo suyo.

To each his own.

Este libro es suyo.

- This is her book.
- This book is hers.

El problema es suyo.

- The problem is his.
- The problem is hers.

El micrófono es suyo.

The mic is yours.

El perro es suyo.

The dog is his.

Soy un amigo suyo.

- I'm a friend of his.
- I'm a friend of hers.
- I'm a friend of theirs.

- Es suyo.
- Es tuyo.

It's yours.

Es suyo si quiere.

It's yours if you want it.

Es mío, no suyo.

It's mine, not his.

Ese coche es suyo.

That car is hers.

Este paraguas será suyo.

This umbrella will be hers.

Disculpe, ¿Esto es suyo?

Excuse me, is this yours?

Este avión es suyo.

This plane is his.

No es asunto suyo.

It's none of his business.

Lo suyo es cantar.

Singing is their thing.

El sombrero es suyo.

The hat is yours.

él me dijo el suyo.

he instead told me his.

Si pudieran elegir el suyo,

If you could choose yours,

Cada uno a lo suyo.

Every man for himself.

¿Cómo sabes que es suyo?

How do you know that it's his?

- ¿Es suyo esto?
- ¿Es vuestro?

- Is it yours?
- Is this yours?
- Is that yours?

A cada uno lo suyo.

- To each his own.
- To each their own.
- You do you.

El coche nuevo es suyo.

The new car is hers.

- Es de ella.
- Es suyo.

That's hers.

Es un buen amigo suyo.

He is a good friend of his.

Esto no es asunto suyo.

That is no business of his.

Cada uno pagará lo suyo.

Let's go Dutch.

¿Es todo este dinero suyo?

Is all of this money yours?

Es suyo si lo quiere.

It's yours if you want it.

- Esto no es asunto suyo.
- No es de su incumbencia.
- No es asunto suyo.

It is not his business.

Es suyo y siempre lo será.

It's always yours, it will always be yours.

- ¿Es tuyo?
- ¿Es suyo?
- ¿Es vuestro?

Is it yours?

Comparé mi coche con el suyo.

I compared my car with his.

Tom está dormido en su suyo.

Tom is asleep in his chair.

- Soy tuyo.
- Soy tuya.
- Soy suyo.

I'm yours.

Tengo un mensaje suyo para vosotros.

I have a message for you from her.

- Es el suyo.
- Es el vuestro.

- It's yours.
- This is yours.

Parece que este auto es suyo.

It looks like this car is his.

- ¿Es suyo esto?
- ¿Esto es tuyo?

Is this yours?

Dijeron mi nombre después del suyo.

My name was called after his name.

Que todos piensan que sería muy suyo.

that everybody thought would be you.

suyo, de sus amigos, familia y conocidos,

of yourself, your friends, your family, and your acquaintances,

Dejemos que la naturaleza haga lo suyo.

Okay, let's let nature do its work. Ugh.

Porque el respeto de todos es suyo

Because everyone's respect is theirs

Mi nombre es rumano; el suyo, americano.

My name is Romanian; his is American.

El coche que lleva no es suyo.

The car he's driving is not his.

- Es suyo.
- Es suya.
- Es de ellos.

That's theirs.

Tom piensa que todo es asunto suyo.

- Tom thinks everything is his business.
- Tom thinks that everything is his business.

¿Ese tío suyo solía visitar Estados Unidos?

Did that uncle of his often visit America?

- Esto es suyo.
- Esto es de ella.

This is hers.

- Es tuyo si quieres.
- Es tuyo si lo quieres.
- Es suyo si quiere.
- Es suyo si lo quiere.

It's yours if you want it.

Ben está detrás suyo, pero pronto debería alcanzarlos.

Ben is behind them, but he'll soon catch up with them.

Su argumento es más radical que el suyo.

His argument is more radical than yours.

Él es diferente de las personas alrededor suyo.

He is different from the people around him.

- Es mío, no suyo.
- Es mía, no suya.

It's mine, not hers.

Éste no es nuestro coche, es el suyo.

This is not our car, it is theirs.

Haz tu trabajo y Dios hará el suyo.

Do your job and God will do His.

Él le pagó a cada quién lo suyo.

He paid everyone his due.

- ¿Ese volumen es suyo?
- ¿Ese volumen es tuyo?

Is that your package?