Translation of "Rédeas" in English

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Examples of using "Rédeas" in a sentence and their english translations:

A um tempo toda a raça goda, soltas as rédeas do governo, começou a inclinar o ânimo para a lascívia e soberba.

At one time the entire Gothic race, loose from the reins of government, began to lean in spirit toward lust and hubris.

Mas, temendo esse risco, o pai onipotente / em caverna sombria os encerrou, / pondo por cima a massa colossal / de altos rochedos, e lhes deu um rei / que soubesse, mediante certo pacto, / as rédeas encurtar, ou afrouxá-las, / conforme as ordens recebidas.

- But in fear of this, the almighty father hid them in black caves, and placed a mound and high mountains over them, and he gave them a king who, under a binding agreement, would know both to suppress them and to give them loose reins, when ordered.
- But, fearing this, the Sire omnipotent / hath buried them in caverns dark and deep, / and o'er them piled huge mountains in a heap, / and set withal a monarch, there to reign, / by compact taught at his command to keep / strict watch, and tighten or relax the rein.

Assim, todo o fragor do mar se extingue / no momento em que aquele grande pai, / lançando o olhar sobre a planície equórea, / e conduzido sob um céu sereno, / os cavalos incita e, abandonando as rédeas, / deixa que o carro saia voando sobre as ondas.

So sank the furious wave, / when through the clear sky looking o'er the main, / the sea-king lashed his steeds and slacked the favouring rein.

Noutro quadro está Troilo, pobre moço, / vencido em desigual combate por Aquiles: / deixadas para trás as armas e caído / de costas no seu carro, ainda segura as rédeas, / sem guiar os ginetes apressados; / e, pendente, a cerviz e a cabeleira / tem arrastadas pela estrada enquanto a ponta / da mortal lança vai riscando a terra.

There, reft of arms, poor Troilus, rash to dare / Achilles, by his horses dragged amain, / hangs from his empty chariot. Neck and hair / trail on the ground; his hand still grasps the rein; / the spear inverted scores the dusty plain.